Mini tennis balls

Discover all our Mini Tennis balls

The mini tennis ball is a small ball used for teaching tennis to children and beginners. Unlike traditional balls, the mini tennis ball is smaller and less bouncy, making it easier to learn the basic movements of tennis. The mini tennis ball is also lighter, which allows beginners to better control their shots and gain confidence.

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Green balls - Stage 1

€5.17 €4.58
€8.00 €4.42
€9.50 €5.75
€99.92 €90.75
€160.00 €95.75
€148.00 €109.92
€120.00 €83.25
€5.42 €4.92
€104.08 €93.25

Orange balls - Stage 2

€5.17 €4.50
€7.50 €6.25
€8.00 €4.17
€148.00 €109.92
€100.00 €74.92
€160.00 €90.75
€45.83 €44.92
€54.96 €46.58
€120.00 €83.25

Red balls - Stage 3

€6.99 €4.92
€7.50 €6.25
€5.42 €4.58
€45.83 €43.25
€80.00 €59.92
€8.00 €4.42
€126.00 €89.92

Foam balls

€26.00 €19.08
€52.50 €49.92
€4.38 €3.83
€54.08 €46.58
€7.00 €4.88
€119.00 €86.58

Mini tennis balls are classified into 4 categories based on the age of the players and their skill level. It's important to choose the right ball category to ensure good progress and develop a strong technique. Here are the 4 categories of mini tennis balls:

Foam Balls

Foam balls are light and are mainly used for the youngest children to help them better control the ball and understand trajectories. They are also used for indoor training because they are less noisy than other balls. Foam balls are often yellow or orange and are suitable for children aged 3 to 4 years old.

Red Ball

The red ball is the second step for children aged 4 to 6 years old. It corresponds to a bounce of 25% of a regular tennis ball, which is ideal for children who are just starting to play tennis. Red balls are larger and lighter than traditional tennis balls, which makes them easier for children of this age to hit.

Orange Ball

The orange ball corresponds to children aged 7 to 9 years old and has a bounce of 50% of a regular tennis ball. It is slightly heavier and faster than the red ball, which allows children to learn how to hit with more power and control. Orange balls are also smaller than traditional tennis balls.

Green Ball

The green ball corresponds to players aged 9 years and older as well as players who are starting tennis. The bounce of the green ball corresponds to 75% of a regular tennis ball. It is heavier and faster than the orange ball, which makes it more difficult to control. It allows players to develop their technique and power, while offering an additional challenge.


By choosing the right category of mini tennis ball, you can have fun while developing your skills and technique. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, it is important to take into account your age and skill level to choose the right ball. You can thus make effective progress and reach your goals more quickly.

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